Thursday, March 27, 2008
Posted by Canadian flake at 8:08 a.m. 12 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
I am not sure if I have mentioned it but this Wednesday is gremlin #1's birthday ( shhhh mine too but don't tell, I am hoping ev1 will
Dear #1 is going to be sweet 16 and she has been absolutely hilarious this weekend. Every time she would start bickering with gremlin #2 or copping attitude I just look at her and point to the calendar...then she remembers and her halo starts to shine through..lmao. I wish her bday came more often...hee hee.
Easter weekend was very low key as the gnome came down with a nasty flu bug.......I dearly love my gnome but even he admits what a baby he is when he gets sick. I was able to be patient and caring for the most part because he did,infact, look like death warmed over.
I only mention this because like every loving gnome, the dear man has decided to share with me....isn't that sweet and adorable?? lmao. I guess I am not gonna drop yet as he still isn't better so someone has to suck it up and keep things
I figured I would prolly get sick for my birthday....birthdays do tend to suck for me. I thought it was just me but I recently read somewhere else that another March baby has had crappy bdays as a rule too...this made me feel less alone..lmao.
I am off to get the gremlins settled for the night and get the gnome drugged up so I can try to rest...
You hear me laughing as I say the work "rest" right??? lmao.
As always, to be continued........
Posted by Canadian flake at 8:33 p.m. 8 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Note to the strangers that are stopping in to leave rude comments. Don't waste your time and move aren't worth my time so I will just quickly delete them and move on!!!! All newcomers are MORE than welcome as long as they are pleasant.....I am not forcing anyone to come here and read my blog.....if you can't be nice, then don't come!!!!
Posted by Canadian flake at 2:53 p.m. 6 comments
Hope you are all having a wonderful Easter weekend and the Easter bunny was good to you all. I had already prepared the next edition of my Soap Opera Sunday story to post today but it seems like it has been put on the back burner ( I would assume to the holiday weekend..) So this story will wait for another week.
As I sat here, watching dear ol Bootsie the cat sunning herself I thought alot about Easter and what it means to me...and the one thing I came up with was LOVE. Whether it be the love of chocolate easter bunnies and eggs....loving the smell of a big Easter dinner as it cooks in the oven...or the love that God had to allow his son to die on that cross.....
I then remembered receiving the following award awhile back.... I truly apologize and I am embarrassed to admit that I can't remember who awarded this to me...but someone did. I saved it with good intentions to pass it along but somehow got sidetracked......So today is the day.....
I thought about all the wonderful blogs I have come across...some I have found and others have meandered in and sat down for a spell...
Of course, I think you all rock...or I wouldn't keep coming back for more. I pass this award along to the following....with much love. If you have already received it from someone else, consider yourself doubly loved...lmao.
1)Planet of Janet - This woman is awesome and I loveeee her blog...she tells such humorous stories and is such a loving shines through in her words and pictures.
2)big blue barn - aims has only recently found my blog and all I can say is that I am SOOOO glad she did. Her writing is seriously the best I have ever read. As she retells her "man tales" I find myself lost in her words...the first time I went to check her out, I sat here for HOURS reading old posts...and more than once, her touching accounts of her life events have made me cry. I always look forward to the next post.
3) Palm Springs Savant- Rick over as P.S.S. is very worldly and intelligent. I always enjoy reading about his trips and adventures...he shares amazing pics too. Of course, my life would not be complete without the advice column of Dr Wang Wednesdays...gosh darn I love that
4) Coffee table- I have talked about Hoosier Girl before...but quite simply I think she is great. She is a hard working single mom....something I have a great deal of respect for... She has a really great sense of humour and a big heart!!!
5) Jersey Girl - I found her blog from a SOS link...and quickly became hooked. Whether she is talking about her kids Ironflower and lovebug....or PITA houseguests, she always entertains me and often makes me smile and laugh.
6)JJ - Janet's blog was one of the first blogs I started to read when I first started blogging. She is on a blogging "break" right now...but I still check her blog daily. She has demons that she battles...but when she talks about her daughter "Fa" her big heart shows...I think she is a lot stronger than she realizes...and I often find myself wanting to give her a big hug...and reassure her that it is going to be I have done with the gremlins...
There are so many awesome blogs that I enjoy reading... anyone that is lurking I encourage you to check out the blogs on my blogroll...they are all a great bunch and I heart them all!!!
As always, to be continued.....................
Posted by Canadian flake at 2:07 p.m. 7 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
OKKKK I am posting this because I am so pissed right now I am shaking...
this is my last word and this will be the last time I post on this subject...
My last post was meant as a THANK YOU and a clarification. It was my way of trying to let you all know how much you meant to me.
Originally, I did not post about this fight because I know there are mutual blogging friends and I didn't want anyone to feel like they had to be "in the middle"....but that does not mean I am going to sit here and remain silent when someone posts about me. It was NEVER my intent to commit slander and I have NEVER accused the other party of doing that either.
Honestly, I am sick and tired of even thinking about it....I just want to let it die...and I wish others would hurts a bit that someome else posted about this situation yet again...but didn't get my side about what happened in the first place.....but I also know me being hurt isn't fair either....because we all have a right to say whatever we want on our own blogs...I exercise that right and certainly would never want to take that from someone else....but again, that doesn't mean I won't fight back when someone else talks trash about me.....
OKKKKKKKK I have said my peace and pounded the snot out of my keyboard...I have taken a few deep breaths and will try to calm down.....
As I said, I am done talking about this...and I will not post about it again......I have wayyyyyy too many things to write about that actually MATTER to me more than all this crap...
It is my intent to now stay away from certain blogs...again with the intent to NOT put anyone in the middle...and with this, the matter is closed to me and I am moving on. As always, I wish everyone only the best.....
As always, to be continued..........
Posted by Canadian flake at 2:04 a.m. 8 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Posted by Canadian flake at 4:11 p.m. 2 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I was just reminded that I am a bitch...a fact that I readily admit...
I try to be a good friend, to listen when I am needed and let those I care about know how much they mean to me...
I am the first to admit that I am far from perfect...and I can make mistakes with the best of 'em...
But someone I cared a great deal about has written a post about me and was truly ,a hurtful bitch...
I could go on with hurtful words for this person...because right now the words are in my much as I don't want them to be....fighting with my good side...I want to be the better person and just ignore the nasty and hurtful words...really I do...
but instead I will walk away and not post anymore.....
Posted by Canadian flake at 9:00 a.m. 10 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
AS TIME FLIES BY.... is hard to believe it is Monday already. I do NOT know where the last week went...
Oh wait I DO know...I spent the last week setting mouse traps and trying NOT to break my We have killed 2 already but I can still hear them scurrying around from time to time so I am not very impressed. I wanna kill the little creeps soooooo bad..lmao.
The gremlins went back to school today. Last week was "spring break" although I do use that term loosely since we still have about 20 feet of snow..lmao. I keep telling the gnome that we will be grateful when the snow is STILL here in July and we aren't dying of heat..lmao.
The gnome also went back to work today. It is so hard to get back into the routine of school/work after having a week is particularly challenging when you have a gremlin with a severe learning disability ,as routine is very important and tends to fall apart during vacation. Luckily this week and next are both 4-day school weeks thanks to the Easter holiday.
Next week is mine and gremlin #1's birthday (the 26th)...of course, she is excited to be turning 16...and I am wayyyyy too old to be excited about a birthday...lmao. She has her heart set on getting a cell phone (and she IS getting one but shhhhh don't she is driving us nutso..lmao. I guess that is why she gets the big
Gremlin #1 had some computer time the other day and this is what I found when I got back on the computer (done by her..)
Posted by Canadian flake at 8:39 p.m. 6 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
We are off for a day of fun because it is our last day of holidays...was surfing youtube for a funny commercial I saw that cracked me up...I couldn't find it but did find a couple to
Will post tomorrow about the events of today...
As always, to be continued....
Posted by Canadian flake at 12:40 p.m. 6 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A quick Big Brother Thursday post to say that CBS fucked a duck on last night's show......
why did they even BOTHER to have America vote and then let James come back into the house....
Sorta makes me want to tell CBS to go suck a lemon and stop watching....but once an addict, always an addict...lmao
oh and BTW James won HOH...what stupid moron thought up this lovely "twist"...
Off to watch Survivor now...lmao
As always, to be continued..........
Posted by Canadian flake at 10:55 p.m. 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's been a really bad some bad news and spent the last 24 hrs chasing mice that don't wanna get caught...won't complain more about here is a funny that made me giggle...lmao.
Posted by Canadian flake at 9:46 p.m. 7 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Well all...spring is only 10 days away and we Canadians are getting quite excited. Personally, I don't think I can remember what grass looks like. We had one hell of a storm up here over the weekend...more than 80,000 homes and businesses were without power as reported here ...luckily we managed to keep our heat and power...thank God. We received 53 cm of snow...that is almost 2 feet for you Americans...
The gnome and gremlins started digging us out Sunday morning. They worked in shifts and didn't get the van out of the drive way until late this afternoon. Luckily we listened to the weather forcasts and got food to last for a few days...
Took some pics to post...just because I thought it was sorta funny....
These ARE infact our driveway and front yard...buried
Posted by Canadian flake at 9:41 p.m. 10 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
DISCLAIMER : this is something I wrote last is not light hearted or funny....but is still something I needed to write...anyone that continues to read is welcome to...but you have been warned..lmao.
Is it my fault???
Those nights I spent in the darkness, huddled in the corner.
I prayed those nights that you would suffer and die a terrible
I wondered if there really was a God and if there was, why
was he letting this happen to me...
Is it my fault??
I hated you most of my life...and even now as a grown adult
that has tried to come to peace with my ghosts and demons,
part of my heart is still closed off and broken....
Is it my fault???
I have used every nasty, hurtful word I could think of as a
weapon against your evilness.....because I wanted to hurt
you as much as you hurt me, even though there was no way
that was possible......
Is it my fault???
I want so desperately to be completely healed and whole
again.....I have tried so hard to convince myself that I have to
try to forgive because I fear that might be the only way I can
fight those demons and not let them win....
But inside me is that little girl that wanted to be saved...
wanted to be loved...but never was....she wants you to
Now that you are sick and it wrong that part of me
is almost relieved?? I thought when this happened, I would
feel happy because I was finally going to get my revenge....
Instead I feel ...unsure...not happy...not sad...just unsure.....
As always, to be continued....................
Posted by Canadian flake at 10:53 a.m. 10 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Well Big Brother fans??? what the heck did ya think about last night's show???
I knew somehow that CBS was gonna work it that one of the evicted houseguests would get to come back in and play...
There has been a lot of chatter about the evicted houseguests being sequestered and not talking to the press...why else would they do this???
I was so glad that they decided to end this "pairs" shit...because all it was doing was screwing players because they had a partner that couldn't shut their stupid mouth...
I was also glad to see that they did it so Ryan was saved...I was yelling at the TV saying "don't even bother to vote Julie...anyone with a brain KNOWS that dipshit Allison is soooooo history so just send her mouthy ass the way to the door".....It showed how totally clueless she is when she chatted with Julie and was crying and acting all hurt and shocked...again, me yelling at the tv saying "OMG you MUST secretly blonde if ya didn't see that coming dingbat"...
I was hoping on my seat when Ryan won HOH and I think it was hilarious to see the look on Josh's face...I seriously hope Ryan goes after his psycho ass...dear dear Josh...can we say "anger management classes???" lmao.
Anyhooooooo...right after the show, I flew to to vote ......I voted for Alex to come back (mostly because I think he is a hottie that could stir things I will be looking forward to see who wins and comes back next Wednesday.
This BB blog is an awesome for clips from the live feeds...but be warned, they DO post spoilers if ya can't wait to find out who is up for nomination/who won POV, etc...
OMFG I just went there and looked ....and I can NOT fucking believe who Ryan nominated for eviction....
OK Ryan is a total MORON.........
As always, to be continued (next week).......
Posted by Canadian flake at 9:58 p.m. 1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My brain is a big pile of mush today full of confusion...and hauntings from old ghosts....when I clear the cobwebs I will post about it....for now I found this and thought it was sorta cute.......
Your Easter Bunny Name is
Hoppy Hucklebunny
Get your Easter Bunny Name at
I think I like the name "Hoppy"...lmao
As always, to be continued...........
Posted by Canadian flake at 9:57 p.m. 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Posted by Canadian flake at 6:38 p.m. 7 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Posted by Canadian flake at 8:20 p.m. 9 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I did however want to pop on and let you all know that I am hosting Soap Opera Sunday this weekend. Since Mr Linky Love and I are on our first date, I had trouble getting it to co- operate so it is below for those of you who want to participate. See brillig or kate for SOS rules...and link away baby.
I am going back to bed...please mingle amongst yourselves...I left some munchies for y'all......I will be back tomorrow with my SOS post...who knows, maybe the pain meds will make it more interesting?? LOL
As always, to be continued...............
Posted by Canadian flake at 12:57 p.m. 7 comments