Monday, September 15, 2008


Ok I can admit when I have made a mistake...and I certainly have with my last post. The truth is my brain is still pretty mucked up...but through this blog I have met some pretty kick-ass great bloggers...and I miss you all.

I have sat here for the last few hours, reading blogs and getting caught up on the goings-ons in your lives over the last few months...and it has really been enlightening.

I think part of what makes depression such a terrible thing to deal with is that it not only sucks the life out of you...but it draws you into a deep dark hole and you lose sight of the world around you.

As I sat here today reading, I really enjoyed catching up...whether it be reading about Jamie's continuing battle against cancer...or JJ's insights into how a young child deals with the concept of trying to understand death...or corky's always funny antics...etc etc etc...

It was good, it reminded me that there is life out there...I honestly think I had forgotten that. And the truth is, I need to blog...I need to be able to type out the thoughts that are in my head...if only to get them straightened around in my mind or to release some of the pressure that builds up in there...

So this is what I have decided to do...I have started a second that is private and just for me...sort of like an online diary...I have been blogging my deepest and darkest thoughts..and because no one at all (even the gnome) is reading it, I can be as brutally blunt and honest as I want to...and don't have to feel the need to censor myself...

That being said, I miss you all and do very much miss communicating here with you. So I will continue to blog here...whether or not anyone comes back to read...BUT I will blog here when I can be upbeat or share a funny joke. That way, for now, I can get what I need without giving up the bloggers I have come to care for so much....Maybe someday I will post some of the writings from the other blog...maybe not...I guess time will tell...

Hope to see y'all again soon, I will be visiting and lurking your blogs catching up again....

Once again, and as always, TO BE CONTINUED...........


aims said...

It's good to see you are still blogging.

I will lurk if you don't mind. I feel some of my commenting upset you terribly and it wasn't what I intended at all. I'm sorry if that is what happened. Truly sorry.

Biddie said...

Glad to see you are back.

jAMiE said...

Yay, so happy you decided to stay...look forward to your posts!

The Laundress said...

Listen, you shouldn't have to be "upbeat" 100% of the time. No one is. Lord knows, I'm sure not.

Just blog what you feel and when you feel it. It's more genuine that way.

Glad you are finding some air.

Anonymous said...

Ah welcome back. I don't comment often but I read always. We missed you.