Thursday, February 14, 2008


Have you ever been stuck?? Has your mind ever been so full of thoughts that you needed to let them out and just couldn't "unplug" them?

That is where I have been the last few I haven't posted...I have been torn between not wanting to burden the few faithful readers I have yet again and feeling alone and useless in this world...but enough of that for today......

Will be back later with a Valentine's post...maybe if I get out for a bit the words will come.....they are in there...I just have to find them....

Ok I am back...and although I am not "unplugged" I am feeling a bit better...thanks for all the kind words of helps more than you know..

I had a reality check this afternoon...remind me and I will post more about that tomorrow...

Then I re-read the Valentine's card I got from my gnome...part of which says " ...there's a big part of me that believes our love could not be as strong and as deep as it is today had we not weathered the storms and remained committed during the hard times..."

No truer words were spoken...this gnome has changed my life in ways that I could not express with words...he has loved me when I didn't deserve it and stuck with me when others would have jumped ship....he has taught me what the true meaning of love is and more importantly, how to say I am sorry and really MEAN it...

Such gifts are rare...and I am truly blessed to have that gnome..

TO MY DEAR GNOME : I love you...forever and always, nothing could ever change that...on this day, I state for all to see that my heart is yours... Love you baby...

As always, in love with my gnome...and to be continued....


captain corky said...

I can't speak for the rest of your readers, but I'm here to be burdened. It feeds my savoir complex. ;)

Burfica said...

I'm with corky, feel free to vent.

I have words in my head too, but they are like. Yummaliscious and supercalafragalisticexpialadocious.

I just can't get them out of my head. hehehehehe

Joy T. said...

I saw 'Canadian' when I was visiting from the planet of janet today and thought I'd come by for a visit. Don't mind me, I always do that when I see another Canadian blogger. Sounds like it's been a rough few days. I say vent away. But that's just me. What the heck do I know anyway :o) Enjoyed reading your blog!

Biddie said...

I feel this way often, too. Alot, actually.
My opinion, is, burden away. We are hear to 'listen' and besides, isn't that what friends are for?

none said...

I usually have to uncork some 80 proof brain laxative when that happens ;)

Anndi said...

You know, that's what blogs are for.... go ahead and spew.

jAMiE said...

I agree with everyone else Flake...that's what your blog is for...but i do understand where you're coming from...but as your readers, we please feel free.