Friday, January 18, 2008


This pictures explain exactly how I have felt for the last 2 days.....

'nuff said.....lmao
As always, to be continued...............


Burfica said...

OMG those two white one's head to head are the most adorable things I've seen in a while.

Rick Rockhill said...

I can understand how you feel...the cold snowy weather would do that to me too Flake. Hang in there!

the planet of janet said...

awww, so sweet. and although i am not living through a canadian winter, i really can relate to the desire to hibernate!

Phoenix5 said...

I hear ya Flake! It's definitely hibernatin' time! Hope you're feeling better real soon!

jAMiE said...

Aren't they sweet, especially the two head to head...i'd love them.

It's been chilly hasn't it...a perfect time to stay in and hibernate...enjoy!