Monday, January 21, 2008


I have spent the entire day cleaning and finding mouse has been soooooo much fun....

Picture gremlin #1 this morning at about 7am...she had just come downstairs after getting dressed to make herself some breakfast...

She was still half asleep and it wasn't even fully light out yet....she reaches to turn on the kitchen light and what goes scurrying across the counter but a mouse...

Well I have to give her credit because she didn't scream...but she did run out and get me to deal with the situation...

When I got to the kitchen the little bastard was hiding behind the microwave we debated how to kill him, the lil fucker started running all over the counter, hopped onto the stove then disappeared...not even sure how he made his getaway...and I am not impressed...

As the morning progressed, I found a few of his favourite hiding spots...along with a few snacks that he has been enjoying...he managed to eat half a bag of shelled peanuts that one of us had left on top of the

At least they can't say they are starving here.....I am afraid to find out what comes next....

As always, to be continued........


Phoenix5 said...

Oh joy! A mouse in the house! (Or more!) At least it is a live one. At one place where I used to work, we kept emptying the garbage cans but couldn't get rid of this horrible stench. Then we moved the old fridge and there it was... a badly decomposed mouse! EW! They smell SO much better when alive...

the planet of janet said...

rodents. *shudder*

i HATE rodents.

captain corky said...

Time to get that cat you always wanted. My cats kill bugs, and destroy anything in their way in the process. ;)

Burfica said...

yeah kitty must be to old to get the mousie, that or to lazy. lol Time to buy a pack of 49 cent traps. Don't want his whole family moving in.

Biddie said...

Ewww. We had a rat problem in our basement awhile back. It was nasty. I learned that those buggers can actually chew through cement to get into your house...
Burfica is right. The cheap traps will do just fine. I just hate cleaning up the mess.

Anonymous said...

As my dad would say: "They gotta eat too!"

jAMiE said...

Ugh..mice are a pain, i've had them too...good luck sorting out the problem!