Saturday, June 23, 2007


I must begin this post with an apology. I know a lot of my posts lately have been heavy or "venting" as opposed to being light hearted or whitty. I was determined to find something whimsical to post about this weekend but as is so often the case, fate has intervened and set my thoughts on a different path.
Today I was blogging to entertain myself as I do almost daily (like any good little blog addict does..lmao). I had a new visitor on my post from yesterday and right away flew to his blog to check it out with the excitement of a kid on xmas eve. His name is palmsprings savant and I liked what I have read so far. He had an interesting post today entitled "Ways to Make the World A Better Place". It was a very good read and got me thinking about some of things he said.
I have always believed that what goes around comes around and karma can be a real bitch. One of the things that allowed me to recover from the hell I suffered as a young girl was that no matter how I felt about my father, he WILL get what is coming to him because God knows what he did to me...and he WILL make that bastard answer when his day comes. Coming to that realization allowed me to let alot of my anger and hatred go and that was oddly enlightening and freeing.
I have also tried to live my life feeling that you should treat others the way you want them to treat you....and that you should always remind those in your life every single day that you love them...and how much they mean to you. Palmspring's post got me thinking again about what an important thing that is...3 simple words that can make such a difference in someone's life....
Well this post was still in my mind as I started going through my list of blog links I visit daily and I came across something so tragic I am still crying just thinking about it. It seems that something really terrible has happened and word is spreading around the blog world. There is a man called NewYorkCity's watchdog. (If you go to the link on my blog -boobs,injuries and dr pepper you can get to NYC's blog.) Anyway, this man has a 5 year son who was involved in an accident in a swimming pool yesterday and lost his life. As a parent, I can not even begin to imagine what he and his family are going through. I have always said that no parent should ever out live their child and to lose one so young...again it is just so tragic. I wanted to at least mention this and pass the word. I do not know this man but I still felt I needed to leave a message of condolence on his blog and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same.
I guess my message is a simple with everything you have in your heart. I am the first one to admit that I am FAR from a perfect parent. I yell too much and do not have enough patience. I bitch and complain about my gremlins way too much but I also NEVER EVER let them leave my sight without telling them I love them. This has always been important to me, to say those words to them with as much frequency as possible and more importantly to mean them. Ever since they were baby gremlins, I have always told them that even when I am so mad at them I can't even see straight, I will always love them no matter what!! My love for them has no boundaries and no will endure forever. If anything were to ever happen to one of them, I honestly can't imagine going on..I would want to go with them.....I am also blessed enough to have a gnome I love to no end...he truly is a gift from God and he completes me in ways I never thought possible.
One last blessing I want to mention is all the online friends that have become so very important to me. They have supported me in ways that mean so much and gotten me through some truly dark times in my life. Please never forget how much y'all mean to me and that you are honestly and deeply loved by me.
One thing I would suggest that y'all think about is of the things that I would think would be very sad is if something were to happen to you and you hadn't thought ahead of time to set up a system to inform your online friends. It might seem silly but honestly..if something were to happen to a friend of mine ,whether that friend lives next door to me or is someone I have only talked to online, I would still want to know. I have met some amazing and remarkable people over the years that I have been online and have grown to love them in ways I never thought I would. If one of them were to just suddenly disappear never to be heard from again, that would be awful....not knowing is the worse thing sometimes...
Because of this, I have instructed my gnome that if anything were to happen to me, he knows who to inform online to spread the word. I wonder if maybe some of you would think about making such arrangements also...just a thought anyway.
Please pray for the father and family of puppy monster. That dear sweet boy is in heaven now and isn't suffering...but his family surely needs all the prayers they can get right now. And know you are are special..don't ever forget that.....

As always, to be continued......................


MomThatsNuts said...

Ahhh man, sometimes life just sucks. I will head over to leave a note. I have Burficas number on my cell phone. Troll~ette has been instructed to call her if anything happens to me and she can break the news. I am sure she is THRILLED to be the one to do it, but I agree. You dont know what happens if they just disappear! Thank you for the reminder that life is a dear and precious thing and to be thankful for it every minute of every day..


Phoenix5 said...

Your suggestion definitely has merit! I'll have to think about who I should "burden" with that task. Having a spouse who is completely computer illiterate does have some drawbacks, I suppose! LOL!

Have a better Sunday, ok?

Take care!

Vickie said...

I had just read about this on another blog---the news is spreading quickly which is one of the special things about the Blog Community. We care and come together when needed.

I had set something in place sometime ago in the event something happens with me. Several times I have had the person who would spread the word if it were me has actually done just that during difficult times in my life. Once with an emergency hospital admission and the other just recently when we lost my MIL.

Thank you for always visiting and leaving me special comments. They mean more than you are aware. You are a special one in the Blog Community.

I know I have not visited and left you comments very often due to Life but you always visit and leave me special messages....Thank you for caring as you do.

Unknown said...

Wow. That is perhaps my biggest fear in life -- losing my son. Nobody should have to go through that. Nobody. Thanks for passing that along ...

captain corky said...

That's really sad... My wife isn't due for another two weeks with our first. It makes you think a lot when you read about something that tragic.

I enjoy your visits and comments and am looking forward to long lasting friendship with you.

Zibi said...

Lovely post ... I'm enjoying reading your blog... I'll be back to read more.

Princess Pointful said...

Apologies for being drawn to the most serious of your posts on my first read-- without getting too much self-disclosure for a first time commenter, I actually lost a friend I only knew online, but had been talking to very closely for over a year, had planned to meet, and considered one of my closest. It's a weird thing to find out in an email several days later, and even harder to have to explain to people.

none said...

It reminds us not to take things for granted .

I'll go hug my kids now.