Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Hunt to start the new job

Well all.... to say the last few days has been intense would be an understatement. I have been trying to finish off my last 2 weeks in HELL and getting ready to start my new job which I hope will be better. Of course, the morons at HELL are trying to make sure my last few shifts are memorable by being as mean-hearted as possible. Anyone got a few sticks of dynamite that I could leave behind??? What a total bunch of morons...anywayyyyy enough of that.... I am counting the days til I am finished with them, then I won't even go back to buy a stick of gum...lmao.
I have been trying to get everything together that I need for the new job and the Gnome has been trying to be best as any man can of course...roflmao. Due to a technical foul on the part of the Gov't, we are more than a little stressed because we are not gonna be able to pay our rent this month and are more than a little worried about of course the new employer gave me 4 days to go out and spend $120.00 on the equipment I need for the job. That of course didn't help the situation either, but hey if we didn't need to stress about money how would we know we are still alive?? LOL.
The gremlins are being their normal PITA selves which is why they get the big bucks. They are excited about me starting the new job so they don't have to listen to me complain about the old one anymore...LMAO. Well I am off to cook dinner for the gremlins because it is getting late. Remember...if ya feed gremlins after midnight they change into dinosaurs ...and the owners manual says that there is no turning back from that.(so we are trying to avoid it)..... Maybe we should just stop feeding them all together?? What do y'all think??? LOL...

to be continued.........


Burfica said...

If you stop feeding them all together, then you have to listen to them whine.... Better to feed the little buggers, at least they are quiet when their mouth is full. hehehehe

Alekx said...

starving gremlins I'm all for that but all those damn child advocates get all bent outta shape and want to put in you jail.
Hell nosey ass people anyway

Steven said...

Actually not gremlins but Mogwhai's. ;)
