Thursday, June 12, 2008


TheCanadianWay ...

A Newfie, a little man,was sitting at a bar in Toronto when this huge,burly American guy walks in. As he passes the Newfie, he hits him on the neck. The big,burlyYank says, "That's a karatechop from Korea .

Well, the little Newfie gets back on his barstool and resumes drinking his beer.

The burly American then gets up to go to the bathroom and, as he walks by the Newfie, he hits him on the other side of the neck and knocks him to the floor. That's a judo chop from Japan ", he says.

The littleNewfie decides he's had enough and leaves.

A half hour later he comes back and sees the burly American sitting at the bar. He walks up behind him and whacks him on the head, knocking him out cold.

The Newfie says to the bartender,"When he wakes up eh, tell him that was a fuckin' hockey stick from Canadian Tire."

hee hee....

As always to be continued........


none said...

Love that joke!

Jodi said...

That's funny, girlfriend! Where have you been? Is everything okay?


Phoenix5 said...

Way to go Newfie! LOL!!!

Biddie said...

Oh, man, that was good.