Friday, April 25, 2008


How do you believe....

When everything in you wants to give up....

When you finally work up the courage to take the first step and you are slammed back down on the ground ...hard

When your little voice tells you there is nothing you can do to make it better...and you feel trapped....

When your head tries hard to remind you that things COULD be worse.....but your heart believes that you have used up all your chances to make it better...that you have failed those who love you...and maybe they would be better if you were gone...

Wish I knew how to keep believing.....

As always, to be continued..........


aims said...

CF - your head is absolutely right! Things COULD be worse - look for the good in the bad. You must.

If you can't - please email me.

Jodi said...

Keep believing, hon. It's all gonna be okay. I promise.


Shelley Jaffe said...

You look and you look, and you scan around for any minute detail that lets you know that your believing is working. And then you hold on to it, and look for another. And another.
Just. Keep. Believing. Things are better when you're around - your presence among us is a gift!

none said...

I hope sure hope your situation improves. I lost more than a few years of my life to depression and the only way I got out of it was to continually push the darkness away and keep trudging along.

Phoenix5 said...

((((((((HUGE HUGS))))))))

I'm here for you.

Joy T. said...

Hope all is well!

Maureen said...

Yup... as others have said. Keep believing; things will improve!