Monday, February 4, 2008


Well the gnome went out with friends last night to enjoy the Super bowl in all it's glory. I was grateful that I didn't have to listen to him scream..lmao.

One complaint they often have is that we Canadians don't get to see the same expensive ads that the U.S. sees...and often they are hilarious...I found a few of them this morning on youtube...that cracked me thought I would share Enjoy!!!

As always, to be continued.............


Biddie said...

LOL. I liked the JT commercial.
We always miss the good ads, don't we??

Burfica said...

I had seen the pepsi/justin commercial, but I missed the other two. So dam funny!!! I love the parrots. ehhehehehehe

Leslie: said...

I just read your last few posts and you are one FUNNY character! I HATE HOCKEY, TOO!

Phoenix5 said...

I saw a chopped version of the JT commercial during the game... my whole family laughed ourselves silly when he hit the mailbox! LOL! Now I understand what hit him in the end, since the Canadian networks chopped that out. The other two I didn't see, but they were funny too.

Thanks for sharing!

cookie monster said...

Most amusing with Justin Trousersnake's one being the best!