Friday, January 11, 2008


I am here....lurking...breathing...

Listening to a gnome snore the roof off....

I am alive...although I am not sure how the gremlins are still alive....

We have melting snow and e-coli in our water supply system...

Did I mention Canadian winters SUCK??? lmaoooooo

As always, to be continued.......


none said...

Ecoli..that is real bad. Hope things improve soon.

Burfica said...

okay you need to summer in Canada and winter down here with me. lol Maybe I'll come summer with you. lol

Phoenix5 said...

e. coli in your water supply is not good... are you on a municipal supply? Or are you on your own well? Do you have a water filtration system? Does the Ontario Ministry of the Environment know? Or the Ministry of Health? They should know...

I hope you are boiling your water! Have as good a weekend as you can, my friend!

Leslie: said...

Oh my poor Eastern friend, assuming that's where you are. We in the We(s)t Coast are as miserable as you because we have not seen the sun for more than a few minutes at a time since last ... oh God when was it??? We had a lousy summer, oh yes a few nice fall days, and rain rain rain rain rain........Sring cannot come too soon for us, too.