Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Happy Tuesday to everyone......

I have to post about something that happened to me yesterday.

As I have mentioned already, last week was not one of my better weeks....sometimes I forget that my dear gremlins are now old enough to pick up on things even when I don't talk to them about it...

of course I nag them regularly reminding them not to sm0ke...not to do drugs...and I remind gremlin #1 regularly that I think she should wait to have sex, but that she can talk to me about it when/if she feels pressured about that (gremlin #2 is 13 and still thinks girls are yucky..lol).

Anyway, when I am down and out I don't talk to them about what is bothering me...I just "suffer in silence" and accept hugs whenever possible...(and btw I am starting to feel better again)..the point of this entire rant is this.........

Yesterday, gremlin #1 asked for computer time and scrambled through her homework to get it......when it was time for her to shut it down so we could have supper and get ready for me to work, I yapped at her to get moving and didn't really pay attention to what she had been up to (which is TOTALLY not me normally when it comes to my gremlins and the internet).

Anyway, we got moving and I walked by my desk to find the pic below as my new screen saver..the lil bugger had spent her time making this for me to cheer me up....

What the heck do ya do with a gremlin like that...other than hug the stuffing outta her of course...kidssssssss..it does make a momma bear smile and feel fuzzy inside...lol.
As always, to be continued.............


Burfica said...

Oh my gosh that makes me cry!!! How special is that!!!!

Sometimes they surprise us with how much love they do have for us.

Maureen said...

Awwwww..... what a great kiddo!! And what a lucky mom.

none said...

Those are the best gifts of all.

Biddie said...

How sweet! You must be doing something - or lots of things - right. Good job, Mom!
I hope that things are getting better. :)

Mia said...

Aww thats so sweet.

Rick Rockhill said...

awesome! You have great kids...that you've raised well!

Marni said...

That rocks!!!!

Canadian flake said...

thanks everyone...just when I wanna strangle my 15 yr old gremlin because she is FULL of attitude she goes and does this..what a great kid I got!!!

Phoenix5 said...

You said "...what a great kid I got!!!" I say, look who she came from! Way to go on raising a wonderful daughter, Flake!

MomThatsNuts said...

ahhhh thats so sweet~~ You keep that one thats for sure!!! Glad your feeling better
