Thursday, April 3, 2008


What a longgggg couple of weeks it has been. Finally, I think I am starting to feel human again....well at least, I can sit up for more than 5 minutes without feeling like I am going to pass that is a step in the right direction.....

It all started on Easter Weekend....the gnome and I weren't feeling that great on Thursday night but just put it down to normal end-of-the-week-sick-of-winter bluckiness.

Neither of us felt better on Friday but didn't worry as it was Good Friday so we figured the day's rest would do us both good.
We had a lot of plans on Saturday but by the time we woke up, the gnome had a pretty good fever going. I didn't feel much better but managed to take care of the gnome and keep things floating along as best as I could.

Let me say, at this point, that the gnome is not the easiest patient when he is that sick...(sorry guys but

Things went down hill Easter Sunday, the gnome was raging with fever and not eating or drinking at all....I warned him that getting dehydrated wasn't going to make things better...but again...bad patient-itis kicked in...

Each day we got progressively Monday night both of us had a fever and felt like a truck had run us over...neither of us was eating and it was everything we could do to hold down a bit of fluids.

We toughed it out until Wednesday morning (which happened to be mine and gremlin #1's birthday). I knew the gnome was not improving but couldn't get him in to see his doctor so I bugged him to go to the ER. He finally agreed as long as I went with him to get looked as soon as the kids were gone to school, off we trekked to the local hospital.

I am sure we were quite a site as we sat there in the waiting room. It was a long day there but I was glad we went. As soon as the nurse took the gnome in, he just about fainted....then I really got worried.

We spent the day hooked up to IV's because as I had feared, we were both dehydrated. After we both had chest x-rays, ECG's and blood work it was determined that we both had a nasty flu bug.....but not to be outdone by the gnome, mine had developed nicely into not only a sinus infection but also bronchitis....

I wouldn't have even gone to the ER if I hadn't been convinced the gnome needed medical I guess that is what I get for being a

The highlight of the visit was the nurse that put in our IV's...she hooked up the gnome first...then as she is sticking me with a big needle she says "awwww nothing says love like his and her IV's.."

I fought back by reminding her (and the gnome) that it was my birthday and an IV did NOT count as the birthday dinner I had been

To sum up....Easter didn't birthday totally sucked and I didn't even get a lousy card...

Can't WAIT to see what the fates have planned for the July 1st holiday (that's July 4th for you Americans out there)....

The good news is I have been gone so long ,I have posts just popping out of my much to catch you up on, so little time (not really, but it sure sounded good..lmao).

As always, to be continued..............


Joy T. said...

Wow you and gnome have had quite a time. Hope you are getting better now that you've seen the doctor!

Jodi said...

Yay! You're alive! Just look what I miss out on by not being married...har, har.

Glad you're back among the living.


aims said...

Ewwww! Sounds absolutely horrible! Did the little one not get it then?

Glad you are starting to kick your heels - even if they are still covered with a blanket...

Phoenix5 said...

Boy, you don't pull any punches when you get sick, do ya? Glad you're feeling a little better. I am too. Hope this weekend shows a vast improvement for you!

Rick Rockhill said...

oh yuck. Sorry it's been such a bad run Flake. Things will start to turn around. I asked Dr Wang for you and he says so.

trkndude299 said...

Dang PSS, That's a mighty tall request.

I pray all is well